University College London (UCL) have worked with Belmont Press as a preferred print partner for over a decade. Founded in 1826, UCL is London’s leading multidisciplinary university with over 16,000 staff and 50,000 students from around the world. We work with multiple contacts at the University, but all their needs are centralised with a dedicated Belmont Press Account Manager who is well versed in their requirements and brand standards.

Brand consistency

Typical wide format orders include the production of 850mm Zeta Roller Banners, usually created as part of a suite of other marketing materials.

On the occasions where artwork has arrived with no bleed our digital team make any necessary corrections and create a PDF proof for the university’s approval prior to print.

A long lasting partnership

Once passed for press, banner projects are produced on our Roland digital press and are subject to rigorous quality checks during the process and after completion.

The UCL contract has a three working day delivery requirement which to date has always been successfully achieved.

B&Q case study


B&Q are a household name – they are the leading home improvement and garden retailer in the UK and Europe. In late July 2024, colour variations over their range of brochures led them to seek the support of Belmont Press. Joe Billingham attended an initial consultation meeting at B&Q headquarters in Eastleigh, to discuss their immediate requirements and explore the areas of concern that troubled the marketing and design teams.

B&Q have a suite of publications following a brand palette with colour consistency vital to maintain brand cohesion and integrity. Joe detailed the Impress Bar technology that is in-built within our state-of-the-art Heidelberg print presses. This technology measures and records colour every 7 sheets automatically re-calibrating to achieve colour continuity throughout the entire print run. Within a week, Belmont Press was awarded the contract to produce the company’s flagship brochures. This initial kitchen brochure was a large requirement for 125,000 copies of a 196pp PUR bound publication.

Brand consistency

Lee Cameron, the dedicated account manager assigned to B&Q, immediately placed the paper order with our approved suppliers which arrived the next day to avoid any potential supply issues. As requested by the B&Q team, artwork was sent to Lee to action a machine wet proof. This would allow the design team to view a selection of colour critical pages produced on the actual paper and press used for the main print run.

Upon supply and approval of the scatter proofs for colour, the full kitchen brochure artwork was flight checked and Lee gave our repro team instructions to correct the spine width. A PDF proof of the full publication was sent for approval and swiftly passed to release to press. Due to the colour critical and sensitive nature of the project, arrangements were made for the B&Q team to come to Belmont Press to press-pass the project live in production.


A long lasting partnership

During the live press-pass both Joe Billingham and Lee Cameron attended to the B&Q team, explaining technicalities and offering advice during the process. The press-pass in total extended for two days as each of the 13 text sections was scrutinised individually. Some colour tweaks could be made directly within the press settings, whilst others were referred to our in-house reprographics team to adjust within the artwork files. These were then re-entered on press to ensure the colours met the exact requirements needed.

A brand colour standard has now been achieved and set, and a programme created for all presses which will be used for all future literature produced on behalf of B&Q. Joe Billingham personally presented file copies of the kitchen brochure to B&Q’s Directors at their Eastleigh headquarters which was met with positive feedback. Lee Cameron has since successfully managed and produced several other projects received from B&Q’s marketing contacts. The Belmont Press team met the very specific needs of B&Q with professionalism, and assured quality and delivery management. We look forward to developing this relationship further, enhancing our reputation as a reliable, reactive, and trusted print partner.

HRP case study

Historic Royal Palaces

Historic Royal Palaces is an independent charity that manages six of the United Kingdom's royal palaces, five in London and one in Northern Ireland. The palaces attract millions of visitors each year to Hampton Court Palace, The Tower of London, Kew Palace, Kensington Palace, Banqueting House and Hillsborough Castle.

In December 2023 Belmont Press Limited were proud to have been chosen as Historical Royal Palaces print partner after an in depth formal tender process. The contract would cover all signage as well as visitor maps and general print requirements for their six world renowned sites and would also lead to us working together, with a view to bringing the printing and fulfilment of all membership communications in house.

Earning Trust

Prior to Belmont securing our place as HRP’s preferred partner, they had enjoyed a long term relationship with a trusted existing print supplier. So when the time came to go out to formal tender and switch suppliers, it was vitally important there was no interruption in service. This was not lost on our team, we were mindful of making any transition as smooth as possible, offering support, advice and ensuring the trust placed in us paid off for the HRP team.

At contract commencement we immediately assigned a dedicated expert team of two contacts, internal and external, to implement a robust transition management plan, project manage all requirements, and nurture the beginnings of a supportive and robust relationship.

Transition Management Plan

The transition management plan was sensitively implemented and ensured excellent collaboration with HRP and their previous print supplier. The professionalism of all parties ensured a seamless switch of production to Belmont Press on 1st March 2024.

Our London office played a key role in communication throughout this time along with the lead senior account manager dedicated to the 80 person Historic Royal Palace team. Since contract commencement, we have successfully produced and delivered 237 different projects for HRP, on time and on budget.

HRP's procurement lead had this to say about her experience on the transition: -

"Overall, we chose Belmont  to hold the contract as they offered quality products and pricing, in what was a highly competitive tender. Furthermore, Belmont’s ethos is very much compatible with Historic Royal Palaces. The transition was seamless, which was primarily due to all three parties delivering their work packages on time and to standard. HRP provided all the information and internal comms to allow Belmont to begin on the start date with no problems, and Belmont, with their experience delivered excellently. The incumbent supplier was also extremely affable during the changeover, which helped to enable everything to work so well."


Collingwood Lighting

Collingwood Lighting

Collingwood Lighting has specialised in LED technology since 2002, producing the first high-performance fire-rated LED downlight in 2008 which revolutionised the industry.

LED lights are extremely energy-efficient which reduces CO2 emissions significantly.

As an innovative, environmentally sensitive company, Collingwood Lighting required a print partner with impeccable green credentials, which mirrored the ethos of their own environmental policies, to produce their latest catalogue.

Belmont Press has demonstrated its commitment to continuous improvement in environmental performance for over a quarter of a century. We have been certified to the internationally recognised ISO14001 Standard, FSC and PEFC schemes since 2006.

Together with our latest investments in print technology, renewable energy, and carbon reduction strategies, all operations at Belmont Press were certified as carbon neutral in 2022, with ambitions to be certified carbon zero by the middle of 2024. Collingwood Lighting therefore had no hesitation in approaching Belmont Press to produce their flagship publication.

World Land Trust

In support of the World Land Trust, (WLT,) Belmont Press procured carbon balanced paper to be used for the production of the substantial 492pp A4 catalogue. The WLT is an international conservation charity that protects the world’s threatened habitats. All of their forest protection and restoration projects have measured and verified positive benefits for communities, climate impact, and biodiversity conservation.

In supporting the WLT in this way, Collingwood Lighting were also able to use a recognised WLT logo within their publication, under-pinning their green policy statement to current and prospective clients.

As a reference publication subject to continued use, the print brief required the outer covers of the catalogue to be given some sort of protection. To ensure the highest possible environmental standards were maintained, this was achieved by using Cellogreen Matt Laminate which has all the benefits of a standard film laminate but is sustainable, biodegradable, and can be recycled. Cellogreen lamination is an eco-film that is made from highly refined wood pulp sourced from the Sustainable Forestry Initiative’s managed forests.


The requirement for longevity of the publication was achieved by PUR binding which is approximately 2.5 times stronger than perfect binding. PUR binding is more durable and offers greater stability as the catalogue ages. PUR glue is solvent free and therefore does not emit any solvent emissions during the process.

As well as being produced using the most environmentally sensitive production methods, the catalogue for Collingwood Lighting also had to be fit for purpose as a reference guide for their clients. The foredge was therefore tab index cut in 13 positions to create defined sections for each lighting category.

Upon completion, a number of catalogues were required for mailing purposes which were enclosed into ColomPac Wraps. These postal wraps are climate neutral and FSC certified whilst offering maximum safety and protection of the catalogue in transit. ColomPac Wraps are 100% recyclable.

Collingwood Lighting explained why partnering with Belmont Press was so important to them in upholding their environmental principles:

“Here at Collingwood Lighting, sustainability is at the core of everything we do, we aim to become Carbon Neutral by 2030. We use Belmont because of their core values. Working with an environmentally aware printer helps to reduce our own carbon footprint and contributes to saving the planet. This allows us to send out marketing materials to our customers, knowing that we are doing the right thing.”


Cirencester College

Cirencester College

Cirencester College is a specialist sixth form college in a rural setting on the outskirts of Cirencester, Gloucestershire.  One of only three designated specialist Sixth Form Colleges in the Southwest, the College is one of the top ranking Sixth Form Colleges in the country.

Belmont Press have an established relationship with Cirencester College spanning over a 15-year period. In June this year we were delighted to be working with Cirencester again to produce the 2023 Freshers Magazine. This 20pp A5 sized magazine provides essential information for first-year students.

The artwork was very well prepared by the college team and passed through our online artwork processing portal with no file error warnings.

As well as preflight checks, our portal offers the opportunity for artwork to be viewed in page turner format which helps clients visualise and examine image spreads and style format.

Dedicated fulfilment and mailing team

The magazine was to be printed on 120gsm uncoated paper stock with the additional requirement of a coater to be applied throughout the publication. This was achieved using our XL75 Heidelberg Press equipped with an in-line coating unit.

Upon successful completion in production, the finished magazine was transferred to our dedicated internal fulfilment and mailing team which are located on our premises.

Our team are adept at managing varied and complex mailings, handling multiple projects with mixed quantities of recipients and different mailing drop date requirements every week.

Just over 2,500 copies were poly wrapped in recyclable clear material, sealed with postage label attached.  These were mailed on an economy service to suit the college’s budget whilst maintaining the required delivery date. A further smaller quantity was delivered to the campus for internal distribution.

Long lasting relationship

The Head of Marketing & Communications at Cirencester College, had this to say about the experience of working with Belmont Press:

"Belmont produce various publications for us, from A5 magazines to College prospectuses. Good turnaround time, trust, quality, service, and colour consistency are all really important to us.

The team always provide excellent customer service, quick responses to requests and they are always accommodating.  They also help us work through and resolve any issues/problems and generate new ideas for our projects.

All of our joint projects have been well received.  Having worked together for circa 15 years, I would highly recommend Belmont Press to others."

Cranfield University

Cranfield University

Cranfield University is a British postgraduate public research university specialising in science, engineering, design, technology and management.

Following the 2020 COVID-19 outbreak, the University made the difficult decision to close its own internal printing facility. The facility was responsible for all internal communications and stationery as well as facilitating individual student requests.

As the University's incumbent supplier for the printing of their Undergraduate Prospectus, Belmont Press were invited to tender for the opportunity to step into the print teams big shoes to fulfil staff and student reprographics, digital print and B2 lithographic print requirements.

The successful bidder would need to ensure a smooth transition from the existing print unit while making certain the transition was sensitive in it's nature due to the existing members of staff who were being relocated.

The brief

The University had four critical requirements: -

1. The web2print solution would incorporate all stationery, student coursework submissions as well as campus signage, including pop up displays and banners.

2. The supplier must be able to build a functional and user friendly web2print solution, tailored to their specific needs.

3. The supplier must have their own, internal technical support team to help train University staff on the functionality of the site.

4. The supplier must illustrate the right balance, offering value for money, quality of product and customer service.

The web2print solution would incorporate all stationery, student coursework submissions as well as campus signage, including pop up displays and banners.

Successful tender

Following an in depth competitive tender process, Belmont Press were chosen as the University's contracted parter for the service. Our proposal scored highly in the award criteria and our business fulfilled all four areas identified on the clients wish list. Our first priority was to kick start the contract with introductions of the two person team dedicated to the University account.

The team of two - consisting of an internal account manager and a regionally based representative - implemented a transition management plan, to ensure continuity of service from the University print team to Belmont Press.

The plan consisted of ensuring colour standards were set, guaranteeing brand consistency; making certain we had a supply of any stock held in storage at the University, enabling us to fulfil orders on transition day and making sure an effective service level agreement was in place that all key stakeholders were familiar with. 

Result and ongoing relationship

The plan also built time into the schedule to ensure the web2print portal we were developing was effectively stress tested, training courses for Cranfield staff were implemented and the portal was fully operational by the time of contract commencement.

nearly 3 years on from the go live date, Cranfield University orders are still flowing seamlessly and we have built an excellent working relationship with all members of the University team.

Our service is reactive, often accommodating 24 hour turn-around and even same day deliveries.

The web2print portal is evolving all the time, as we build in new requirements for the team. In the first quarter of 2024, the Belmont team have successfully delivered over 120 projects for Cranfield University.

University of Plymouth

University of Plymouth

The University of Plymouth is a cutting-edge, vibrant institution with a long history in education going back to 1862. The university is well known for its first class, cutting-edge research, education, and innovation. Plymouth is one of the top ten UK young universities, according to the Times Higher Education Young University Rankings 2021, with a mission to advance knowledge and impact lives.

Prior to Belmont securing a place on the official framework in 2022, the university had enjoyed a very long term relationship with a trusted local print partner. So when the time came to go out to formal tender and switch suppliers, understandably there was apprehension. This wasn't lost on our team, we were mindful of making any transition as smooth as possible, offering support, advice and ensuring the trust placed in us paid off for the university print team.

At contract commencement we immediately assigned a dedicated expert team of two contacts, internal and external, to project manage all requirements, and nurture the beginnings of a supportive and robust relationship. With the first project being one of the institutions flagship publications (the PG Prospectus), it was an opportunity for the Belmont team to prove our worth!


Postgraduate Prospectus

The University of Plymouth Postgraduate Prospectus 2023 needed to be a sector leading publication, which added stature to the message of promoting Masters education. The marketing team delivered a design concept for the outer covers to represent the elevated status of education at Masters level, using the contrast of soft touch matt laminate with high-build spot UV varnish on specific wording.

The tactile distinction between the raised gloss finish wording ‘WITH A MASTERS’ and the flat, velvet like finish of the laminate, gave the postgraduate cover a real physical prominence. The specialist finishes on the outer covers were set upon a bright peacock feather background. The colour management of the project was achieved using our Heidelberg presses equipped with impress bar technology that records and recalibrates colour every seven sheets, ensuring colour consistency throughout the entirety of the print run.

Finally, the prospectus was PUR bound with 232pp inner text pages, trimmed to a finished size of 230 x 175mm, and packed in bespoke perfect fit, fully recyclable cardboard boxes. It was delivered on schedule to Plymouth and further copies held in Belmont’s own warehouse ready for fulfilment and mailing to students.

Client first impressions

Kat Keay, the University's print team manager, had this to say about our new relationship and her teams first impressions of Belmont Press: -

“The undergraduate and postgraduate publications are the university’s flagship publications, and the most important tools in our recruitment of new students.

In moving to Belmont away from an existing supplier, who we had used for many years, it was important that we had a supplier who could deliver the quality we required, particularly the finish and presentation of the covers, as well as providing a fulfilment service we could trust. 

My team have found Belmont's customer service to be very good, we always get prompt replies to our enquires and the staff are incredibly helpful in offering advice when required.

Despite being quite a distance from where Belmont are based, we have regular visits from them and feel that there is already a strong working relationship in the relatively short time we have been working with them. We are really happy with the first projects we have worked together on and would not hesitate to recommend them.”


Howdens Joinery

Howdens Joinery Group is a supplier of kitchens and joinery products to the building trade. They have more than 75 kitchen designs to choose from, plus more than 10,000 products across kitchens, joinery, and hardware. This is a lot of products, and their catalogues reflect this with the average page count of the publications being over 400 pages long.

In 2018 Belmont Press were given the opportunity to tender for the Howdens range of catalogues, with the flagship publication being the Consumer Product Catalogue, which is printed twice every year.

This is Howdens main piece of annual marketing so it's a thick, circa 400pp PUR bound book, with a print run of 100's of thousands of copies. The product is printed in 4 colour process throughout with a matt lamination to the outer cover, to give it durability for use on site with trades people.

Belmont Press were subsequently awarded the contract, and so by the time the 2020 edition came around for planning late in 2019, we had already printed the catalogue three times previously (twice in 2018 and then again at the start of 2019). The artwork for this latest edition was available from mid June 2020, with regular deliveries commencing from early July through to late August.

Potential pitfalls

A kitchen is one of the most significant investments a person can make in their own home. Therefore, the literature advertising Howden's range of units has to be an exacting representation of how the fitted kitchen will look in the flesh. Measuring colour from a physical item and replicating it onto paper (made from a living breathing raw material) can be challenging. It's important to understand the pitfalls right from the outset, before the first page is even designed.

The other area identified as requiring special attention is the size of the project. Prior to production commencement, we were faced with an unprecedented pandemic, which resulted in staff being forced into self isolation and our working practices changing for safety reasons, almost overnight. During the COVID-19 lockdown, the construction industry also bucked the trend and experienced a growth spurt as people were sat at home, planning their next home renovation. The eventual catalogue requirements had upscaled significantly since forecasting and equated to over 175 million sheets of A4 paper through press and well over 500,000 books now being required. It was a sizeable undertaking which required effective project management right from the start. 

In January 2020 we immediately set up a temporary studio for the Howdens design team, on our own premises at Belmont Press. This enabled the team to bring in physical samples of their range of kitchens, design a page and then run out proofs to match. This fluid, live 'design to print process' enabled the team to achieve exactly the right colour before the first sheet through press.

Solutions and result

Once colour standards were set, the catalogue was placed into the copy design phase with print ready files being available by mid June 2020. By this time, we had already implemented our robust disaster recovery plan to counter any effects from the ongoing global emergency.

Almost all of our staff are multi skilled, from the trained machine operators through to our external sales force. Many of our account management team started as apprentice machine operators before moving into the commercial side of our business. This formed the backbone of our plan, with multi-skilled staff being able cover crucial production roles for other team members if required.

By the time the 'peak' had passed in April, we had remained operational throughout the entirety of the pandemic. Once the artwork was approved for press we commenced printing without any deviation from the original plan and schedule. By mid August 2020 we had made over 30 deliveries, outputting in excess of 500,000 quality product catalogues. Our staff delivered the project on time in exceptionally demanding and unprecedented circumstances. We are currently in the planning phase for the 2023 range.

Manchester Printer

Manchester Printer

Manchester printer

The relationship to a city centre community in Greater Manchester may not be immediately apparent for a Manchester printer whose main production facility is actually based in Northampton.

However, Belmont Press has a long standing affinity and established relationship with Manchester. We're proud to work with many of the city's well known brands and institutions.

All over the nation, from Edinburgh to Falmouth, Bristol to Ipswich, our work can be seen in the centre of local communities. While every location is different, regardless of where our clients are located, we want them to always feel at least partly at home with us. We aim to create that sense of comfort, security, and proximity.

Greater Manchester office

It is important to us that our business has a genuine and thorough understanding of the communities it joins, cultivating long-lasting relationships with our client base, and tries to comprehend the particular social, historical, and cultural nuances that make each location special.

With this in mind we felt it was vital to have a presence in Manchester,  employ a team who understood the values of the location and spend their time living and working from the city.  We also want our staff to feel engaged with our own business, cementing us as a go to Manchester Printer, aligning with our values, keeping the company's principles and culture constant.


Greater Manchester Good Employment Charter

The social difficulties that already existed in society have received more attention in recent years as COVID-19 has driven changes in achieving the work life balance. These changes often mean that employees are separated from the businesses they work for, working remotely. We want all of our employees to feel engaged with our business, feel a sense of common purpose, and in turn align our social values with like minded organisations.

To help create this synergy with the city, and ensure we improve on our social values year on year, we became an official supporter of The Greater Manchester Employment Charter in 2022. GMEC is a voluntary membership and assessment scheme that aims to raise employment standards across Greater Manchester, for all organisations of any size, sector or geography.

We felt the charter was an excellent fit with our own social values and helped reinforce the link we feel with Greater Manchester, our diverse customer base and our employees representing Belmont Press from the city.


Liverpool John Moores University

Liverpool John Moore University

Early in 2022 Belmont Press took part in a large and comprehensive print framework tendering opportunity for Liverpool John Moore’s University (LJMU). This incorporated a strong emphasis on supporting the environment and further complimenting the civic commitment held by LJMU which extends throughout its curriculum and supply chain. LJMU is committed to playing a leading role in finding sustainable solutions and adopts suppliers to their supply chain that can further support their aims. LJMU are in the top third of universities in the People and Plant League and are a member of the Universities Climate Network.

The tender process scoring scheme was led with non-price criteria accounting for 70% of the total tender score, allocating Management of the Contract at 45% and Social Value and Carbon Reduction at 25%. The print requirements were split into Lots incorporating flagship publications to wide format projects. The bids from Belmont Press were measured in accordance with the tender requirements and judged to offer the best solutions, instilling confidence that all projects would be delivered, mirroring the University's own ethos.

Social values

Our achieved score highlighted that as a print partner, Belmont Press would prove exceptionally responsive to meet the needs of the University, and consequently, Belmont Press were successful in winning the contracts on all three Lots for which they bid.

The attributes of Belmont Press as a green print supplier are underpinned with a Carbon Reduction Strategy focused upon our ultimate aim of becoming a zero business by 2040.  We employ an independent organisation to measure our scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions using the government recognised PAS2060 methodology. This supports the objectives of LJMU’s policies to decrease their carbon footprint within their own supply chain.

Social Value and Governance good practice is also embedded within the contract. Belmont Press recognise the importance of these elements which encompasses the support of our team members and wider community projects, underpinning the ethos of our business and our value as a print supplier.

Environmentally aware print supplier

One of the first projects under the new contracts for LJMU was for the print production and mailing of the Applicant Handbook. This consisted of 68 pages printed in five colours with an additional aqueous (water based) coater applied to the covers to prevent ink transfer and marking. The Handbook was PUR bound and prepared for mailing to prospective students.

A key element within the specification set by LJMU was the procurement of carbon balanced paper. This was achieved working with the World Land Trust - their Carbon Balanced programme supports action on climate change and biodiversity protection. With the paper purchased using this scheme the LJMU Applicant Handbook bears the World Land Trust Logo.

The reduction of waste and surplus packaging is a key aim within the contract.

What the client says

The Applicant Handbook was then mailed via the most cost effective route to market by our fulfilment team, using a perfect fit recyclable outer wrap. Our client from LJMU had this to say about their experience with the Belmont team: -

"Colour, brand consistency, quality and delivery are all equally important for our brand. All these elements were achieved and not compromised, with some very challenging deliveries met!

All products have been very well received. Belmont has a fantastic accommodating team- exceptional.

I would absolutely not hesitate to recommend them if you are look for competitive costs, quality without compromise and excellent delivery."

Unit Editions

Unit Editions

Unit Editions is an independent publishing venture that retails hard backed books for an international audience of designers, design students and followers of visual culture.

Unit Editions books are only available via their website and a handful of specialist bookshops, therefore a warehousing, fulfilment and mailing partner was sought to help them reach their international client base.

Belmont Press were chosen as Unit Editions favoured storage, fulfilment and international mailing partner in 2017. Our solution was chosen due to our large in-house storage facility, our in-house fulfilment team and competitive international mailing rates.

Unit Editions also required their chosen partner to integrate within their shopify account, retrieve orders automatically and process them daily for despatch all over the world.

Belmont Press warehousing

Belmont’s internal IT department provided the necessary experience and skill set to write a bespoke application programming interface key (API), which would provide the right solution.

Due to the high-quality nature and retail value of their publications, Unit Editions also needed the assurance that all case bound books would be despatched in superior protective packaging to ensure arrival in pristine condition to clients located worldwide. Our box converting equipment was employed to manufacture made-to-measure cartons for each order, while larger format books were shipped with protective corners.

Orders are received directly via shopify, collated, carefully packaged, and shipped from our own warehouse. The dedicated operations team at Belmont Press source the most cost effective route to market for mailing and delivery to ensure the cost and service meets the requirements set by Unit Editions.

Delivery reporting

Stock level figures are instantaneously updated, allowing Unit Editions to log on to a bespoke customer facing stock management system called Dashboard.

This enables clients to monitor stock levels held in our storage facility, keep track of orders and access proof of delivery reports.

Detailed reports are generated via Dashboard, listing all transactions within a set time frame which are sent with accompanying monthly invoices.

Unit Editions fulfil a unique niche, creating and distributing high quality publications on a wide variety of topics that are generally neglected by mainstream publishers.  The efficient system built in partnership with Belmont Press ensures safe storage and reliable distribution to their clients around the world.

Southampton Solent University

Southampton Solent University

Since becoming a university, Solent has helped over fifty thousand students, from all walks of life, to make the most of their potential. Belmont Press has been a key print partner to Solent for over a decade, during which time the University has changed dramatically  – from campus improvements to the latest state-of-the-art facilities.

Our services to Solent incorporate their flagship undergraduate prospectus, as well as supporting marketing literature, personalised direct mail campaigns, storage, fulfilment, mailing and distribution solutions.

All of these services are performed in house, under our own roof, meaning everything is produced inline with our own ISO credentials and manufactured by our own skilled workforce.

Cluster book mailings

An important aspect of Solent's prospective student engagement strategy are their cluster book mailing campaigns. Each cluster book focuses on a different faculty and is produced in a saddle stitched format, typically around 64pp in pagination. Once the booklets have been finished, they are held in our storage facility, awaiting fulfilment for each bulk mailing campaign.

The cluster books are mailed out as part of two different campaigns: - either with a prospectus, with the cluster book being specific to the prospective students chosen field of study, or sent out with an invitation to one of the University's open evenings. Again, the correct course specific cluster book must be mailed out to the correct student whose area of interest matches the booklets content.

Bulk mailing facility

A key requirement of our agreement with Solent for their cluster book mailings is our ability to provide an end to end solution internally, without the need for third party involvement. From receipt of artwork for the prospectus, the cluster book and the invitations, along with the data, our team ensured an efficient printing and bulk mailing solution.

Our cost effective bulk mailing solution has ensured the project ramins cost viable for Solent, while providing a more targeted student communication approach for their external relations team.

Heinz case study


Heinz are a household name, with many of their tinned products and sauces reaching legend status amongst British shoppers. In December 2020, Belmont were approached with the concept of producing personalised labels, so shoppers could buy well-known products such as Tomato Ketchup, Soup and Mayonnaise as a novelty gift for a loved one. The brief was for data to be extracted from the Heinz website, sent to Belmont for it to be merged with standing artwork, before personalised digital printing and kiss-cutting taking place. The labels are then delivered to Heinz chosen fulfilment partner to attach onto product and mailing direct to the client.

The project was a perfect fit for our Digital Print and Online Solutions teams!

Personalised printing

From an ease of fulfilment sense, it was vitally important that Heinz fulfilment partner was able to process orders in a particular sequence. For example, if one customer ordered 1 x Ketchup label along with 1 x Tomato Soup label then the fulfilment team wanted the labels to run consecutively so distribution could be consolidated.

Our Online Solutions team created an API to retrieve the data, cleanse it, check for profanities and sort it into a very specific order, before sending it to our Digital Print team for personalised printing. Once the labels were printed, we then utilised our laser-guided Veloblade machine, which kiss-cut the labels to size before being packed. Throughout the entire process, the order of the labels was maintained.

Quick turn around

Due to the nature of the product that Heinz are selling, it's important that their customers are not waiting around for their orders. Our reactive team are able to turn labels around within 24 - 48 hours from receipt of artwork. This has enable Heinz fulfilment partner to handle large volumes of requests during peak periods.

Since contract commencement in December 2020, our team has processed tens of thousands of personlised printed labels, delivered on time and on budget.



Easydry is the global, multi award-winning pioneer of the eco-friendly disposable towel. Used by hair salons and beauty companies, Easydry disposable towels are a super absorbent, eco-friendly and hygienic alternative solution to traditional cotton towels. Easydry makes a number of promises as part of their business model, which assures clients of an efficient distribution from their chosen storage facility, direct to their customers.

Their service level agreement states to clients that orders will be delivered within the UK in 1-2 business days, the EU in 3-7 business days, USA and Canada in 3-7 business days and the rest of world within 5-10 business days.

Belmont Press storage facility

To help Easydry deliver on this promise they were looking for a partner that had the space to store all of their products safely, had the ability to receive customer orders and had access to a reliable distribution network domestically and internationally. In early 2021 Belmont Press were awarded the contract as Easydry's chosen storage, fulfilment and distribution service provider.

Upon contract award, our warehouse immediately took delivery of over 200 pallets worth of Easydry stock. Meanwhile our IT department got to work creating a bespoke management information system which would monitor stock levels, receive orders and generate shipping labels.

Delivery reporting

Since the start of the contract, our fulfilment team have processed thousands of orders on behalf of Easydry, ensuring their clients' hair and beauty salons are replenished with business critical items. The nature of the contract means a constant flow of incoming and outgoing pallets, all monitored by our bespoke MIS and web-based client dashboard, which provides live stock data 24/7.

All goods are shipped from our storage facility via our full track and trace service, which means that we know exactly where the goods are, and when they will be at their destination.

University of Manchester case study

University of Manchester

The University of Manchester traces its roots back to the formation of the Mechanics’ Institute in 1824, and its heritage is linked to Manchester's status as being the world's first industrial city.

Established with the principle of ensuring that workers could learn the basic principles of science, the University of Manchester today is a public research university and is a member of the Russell Group, the N8 Group, and the worldwide Universities Research Association.

It is therefore not surprising that University of Manchester have the largest alumni community of any campus-based university in the UK, with more than 500,000 graduates in more than 190 countries around the world.

University Alumni Magazine

Belmont Press have successfully tendered and retained our  place on the University’s print framework for over a decade. The contract covers a wide variety of printed media including personalised projects, principal publications and alumni communications. Our most recent project, awarded under the current framework agreement, was the production, fulfilment and mailing out of the University of Manchester Alumni Magazine Pack. This consisted of the alumni magazine “Your Manchester”; a personalised cover letter; two versions of reply envelopes; an alumni form; and a compostable outer paper wrap. The completed packs required mailing to multiple destinations across the globe.

This was a large complex project with a requirement for 80,000 copies, and is the University of Manchester’s flagship publication. The print production of the Alumni Pack was produced in-house at Belmont Press, on our own machinery, operated by our full time skilled production team.

Colour consistency

The magazine specification was to produce a 48pp full colour magazine, PUR bound, on uncoated FSC certified paper. The significant print run was produced on our Heidelberg printing presses, equipped with impress bar technology, which measures and adjusts colours every seven sheets to ensure colour consistency and brand integrity throughout the entirety of the project.

After production of the cover letter, alumni form, and two versions of the pre-paid reply envelopes, the Belmont Press mailing and fulfilment team ascertained the most cost effective route to market.

The completion of the Packs was project managed by the dedicated Belmont Press account manager assigned to the university.

Over 78,000 packs were mailed for distribution worldwide, all on schedule, with the balance of the “Your Magazine” delivered to the University of Manchester.

Manchester Metropolitan University

MMU undergraduate prospectus printing

Manchester Metropolitan University is The Sunday Times University of the Year for Student Retention 2021. It hosts over 33,000 UK and International students. In December 2020, Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) went out for formal review of their 2021/22 Undergraduate Prospectus printing contract.

A key component of the Invitation to Tender (ITT) was the supplier's ability to offer a market-leading print and fulfilment service supported by an in-house IT team. MMU required their chosen print partner to print and bind their prospectus, fulfil and mail it out in an eco cardboard wrap. The University team also required a bespoke Application Programming Interface (API) to integrate within MMU's own system, fetch student prospectus request data and report back on stock usage figures automatically.

The solution

Once Belmont Press were awarded the contract, we immediately assigned a dedicated Account Management team to MMU. The team consisted of one internal Senior Account Manager, one Manchester based Project Manager a web developer and our IT Manager. The team worked with the University and together set out key mile stone dates to ensure a smooth transition from MMU's current fulfilment partner, while our IT specialists designed a powerful, branded, online Management Information Systems (MIS).

The MIS enabled MMU staff to monitor and order goods we hold on their behalf. It provided regular pre-agreed reports at intervals to suit MMU's Student Recruitment team so they could monitor their UG Prospectus request conversion rate. All the information was harvested via a bespoke API, designed specifically to integrate within the MMU system.

The result

As a value-added service the Belmont print team applied an antimicrobial coating to the prospectus. The coating, which prevents 99.9% of bacteria from living on it, is completely transparent and didn't detract from the finished article.

In summary the production of the Manchester Metropolitan Undergraduate Prospectus was managed with the following objectives achieved:-

  • A full printing, finishing, fulfilment, mailing and distribution service was provided.
  • Full stock and mailing reporting was made available via secure log in.
  • The prospectus was mailed out in a fully recyclable environmentally friendly printed wrap.
  • Antimicrobial coating was used to finish off the prospectus.

After a successful delivery of the 2022 prospectus, MMU extended the contract for our team to produce the 2022/23 publication.



Online retailer Moonpig approached Belmont Press, initially to utilise our fast turn-around digital printing on demand facility for their Business Continuity Plan. This was to support their own internal printing facilities based in Guernsey and London, in the event that a disaster recovery option was required.

When the Moonpig business demands exceeded forecasts, we were subsequently asked to step in on a short term 12 month contract, to print all cards ordered online in conjunction with a gift.

IT expertise and printing on demand

The Service Level Agreement (SLA) stated that all orders for cards received prior to 4pm had to be printed, reconciled with the requested gift, mailed out and delivered the following day to Moonpig clients. We immediately teamed up with Northampton based gift fulfilment operator Dalepak in order to deliver the contract. Dalepak held all gifts in their warehouse, while the Belmont Press team were responsible for printing and delivering cards into Dalepak for reconciliation.

Our internal IT team developed a bespoke system that integrated within the Moonpig website. The system would recognise if a card was ordered with a gift and would then automatically send the card order to our digital printing on demand team.

Large digital print capacity

We also utilised our own fleet of delivery vehicles to deliver cards into Dalepak at regular intervals throughout the day.  This enabled the Dalepak team to keep up with the high demand at peak periods. Throughout the Christmas period the Belmont Press digital print department printed and delivered over 10,000 cards per day to Dalepak.  This level of service and large digital print capacity provided peace of mind to Moonpig that their clients were receiving continuity of service while they invested in the infrastructure to eventually bring the printing back in house.

Our project management team actioned a smooth transition management plan once Moonpig were ready to take ownership of the printing again.

Digital printing

The Open University

End-to-end print on demand solution

Since The Open University (OU) launched in 1969, almost 1.8 million people worldwide have achieved their learning goals by studying with the University. In terms of student numbers, The Open University is the largest academic institution in the UK with more than 240,000 students and almost 7,000 tutors. Belmont Press has been working with the OU for over 20 years, regularly winning competitive tenders to print prospectuses and marketing material. So when the OU wanted to develop an entirely new digital printing service for its students, it approached Belmont Press.

A cost effective digital printing solution

The OU team said: “We were getting requests from some students for the option to buy printed copies of selected online study content, rather than them printing it out themselves at home. We needed to be able to offer the choice of a cost-effective solution that was both cheaper and better quality for students, rather than using a desktop printer. Working with Belmont Press, we launched a print on demand service on selected University study modules. Linked directly from the OU website students can order and pay for the printed materials, these are printed and despatched by Belmont Press within 24 hours. Belmont Press provided a complete seamless answer to a potentially complicated process.”

A bespoke solution

The print on demand solution for The Open University provides a website that looks and feels like the OU website. It also collects and manages individual payments delivering a reconciliation report each week and cost-effective study materials printed to a consistently high standard. The OU team concluded: "Belmont Press have always been very approachable, innovative and willing to look at new ideas. They delivered the whole package, listening to what we wanted and providing a tailored solution to meet our needs: everything from building the website, receiving the orders, processing the payment in a secure environment, to digital printing and despatch."

Print on demand

A-Z Maps

A-Z Maps

The Geographers’ A to Z Map Company Limited is the largest independent map publishing company in the UK, producing iconic products such as the London A-Z and many award-winning maps. The business started in 1936 as The Geographers’ Map Company Limited and now produces over 320 mapping products in lithographic print as well as print on demand.

In common with many other book publishers, A to Z moved a proportion of its print to China some years ago. There were two main reasons for this; firstly, to reduce cost and secondly, due to the use of more durable sewn binding for the same cost as perfect binding. However, it has since moved this work back to the UK, with some being placed with Belmont Press. A to Z came across Belmont Press as both companies were suppliers to the London 2012 Olympic Games. A to Z then selected Belmont to produce some of its standard map books, which were litho printed and bound.


Belmont Press had to meet strict criteria to supply to the London 2012 Olympic Games, and The Production Manager at A to Z was impressed by Belmont’s environmental and quality certifications.

He also examined the set-up and ethos of the business, commenting: We don’t like to change suppliers very often, so we try to be thorough and look at every aspect of supply. We’ve had our fingers burnt in the past and don’t choose purely on price, but quality and delivery as well.

“Belmont Press ticked all the boxes – the quality has been excellent and they are very competitively priced for the print that we need. They are also very nice people to deal with!”.

Print on demand

Aside from our lithographic work with A-Z, we have also helped develop an online ordering and digital printing service for its large format maps. With demand for some of their product lines having reduced, A-Z required a service that provided copies of their maps via a print on demand service. This helped reduce wastage and ensured A-Z's spend matched the revenue generated by customer orders.

Belmont's system is integrated within the A-Z website. It receives customer orders automatically, sends print on demand requests to our digital press and posts direct to A-Z's clients. The process is a seamless one and all publications are printed and despatched within three working days from order.

Direct mail

IDEXX Laboratories

IDEXX Laboratories

IDEXX laboratories are specialists in veterinary diagnostics, dairy and water testing. The busy UK marketing department relies on Belmont Press to print its range of marketing materials, from personalised direct mail to its 96-printed-page Directory of Products and Services. The UK Marketing Team at Idexx Laboratories commented: “With their range of presses from digital to 12-colour litho and HD, Belmont Press has the scale and flexibility to handle all of our printing requirements. They deliver a very professional service at a reasonable price and turn around work very quickly for us. They have never missed a deadline.”

Direct mail, print on demand, storage and distribution

As well as the company's direct mail requirements, Belmont Press also manages a storage, fulfilment and distribution operation on behalf of IDEXX Laboratories. The Marketing Team added: “We send over a spreadsheet with lots of requirements and multiple tabs and I know that Belmont Press will facilitate the distribution perfectly. I know that the right item will be delivered to the right person at the right time. They make the whole project very straightforward for us.”

Well established company

They continued: "I've dealt with Belmont Press for many years and it's a well-established company with a long history. It's always evolved to ensure that it has the right technology to meet the clients' needs. When I joined IDEXX Laboratories, I was fully aware of Belmont's quality and environmental systems, and this was another important factor in my decision to select them to print our marketing materials. They are a proactive, innovative print partner who always put their clients interests first"